Antarctic ice extent 9/21/2005

The Great Global Warming Scam

Antarctic Ice Extent 9/21/2005

Surely, someone should go to jail for the lies and fraud perpetrated in the name of global warming! What has been said by the supporters of the idea that man is the dominating factor in heating the atmosphere by CO2 emissions would be enough to cause Trofim D. Lysenko to blush!

Well, okay, now that I have given away what I think about Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW), a few words of justification and sweet reason are needed to justify my emotional reaction. The general justifications for believing in AGW are quite often in the form of appeals to authority, with the authorities being mentioned, more often than not, being the official U.S. government agencies in charge of temperature data: the National Climatic Data Center of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NCDC/NOAA), and the Goddard Institute for Space Studies of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (GISS/NASA). Pretty hefty customers to accuse of being fraud artists! After citing such authorities the supporters of AGW then often say that “the science is settled”, as if all scientists of note believe in AGW.

When hearing or reading things like this, I automatically think of such eminent skeptics as Prof. Richard Lindzen of MIT and Prof. Judith Curry of the Georgia Institute of Technology. This then gave me the idea that if I used Google to search for the names of AGW skeptics, I could produce a much longer list of eminent contrarians to demonstrate that the science is not in fact settled. (If you can appeal to your authorities, I can appeal right back at you with my authorities!) When I started doing that, I discovered that Wikipedia had beat me to it. I reproduce their list below, with the occasional comments after some of their names and titles being my own. The names of these scholars are also links to their curricula vitae. Wikipedia breaks them into two groups: those who question the accuracy of IPCC (see here and here) climate projections, and those who argue that global warming is caused primarily by natural processes. Since they are all skeptics of AGW, no matter how they got there, I am going to lump them all into a single list.

This list is not exhaustive, but is a list of the most prominent scientists who do not believe in man-made global warming. With such a large list of prominent scientists who are nonbelievers in AGW, one would have to be very disingenuous indeed to claim that “the science is settled”.

All of the above took over one-thousand words to describe, and we have not even begun to scratch the surface of this subject. I will write considerably more about this in future posts.

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