Screen Shot of James Comey swearing-in at House Oversight Committee meeting on why he did not recommend seeking an indictment for Hillary Clinton on July 7, 2016.

Political Corruption Not Limited to Hillary Clinton

At the eye of the storm. FBI Director James Comey at July 7, 2016 House Oversight Committee hearing.
Screen shot of Fox News broadcast

Like a boulder rolling downhill,  the Hillary Clinton email case is gathering up an increasing tail of debris, perhaps to finish with a genuine landslide for Donald Trump.   

Reopening of Email Case Is NOT Trivial

As of my last post on the reopening of Hillary Clinton’s case, Can this Election Season Get Any More Amazing?, Democrats were portraying the FBI action as probably something trivial, at least as far as Hillary Clinton was concerned. Much was made by Clinton operatives of a particular phrase in FBI Director James Comey’s letter to Congress announcing the open status of the Clinton case. “Although the FBI cannot yet assess whether or not this material may be significant … “, Comey wrote. Aha! exclaimed Clinton’s supporters, the emails on Huma Abedin’s laptop might not involve Clinton at all, or they may be just duplicates of other emails already found on Clinton’s email server. Nothing to see here, move along.

This reaction struck many (including myself) as an incredibly unlikely outcome. After all, for James Comey to throw such a bombshell within eleven days of a Presidential election would have to require some highly incendiary evidence for him to take such a risk. As I wrote earlier, if the connection of these new emails to Clinton turns out to be trivial, Comey can kiss his reputation and career goodbye.

From what we have learned so far, the evidence from the new email stash is anything but trivial. FBI sources to Fox News have said they  have found emails on the Huma Abedin laptop believed to have originated on Hillary Clinton’s private server. They also said these emails are not duplicates of earlier discovered emails and could potentially be classified in nature. Even more disturbing is the assertion by those FBI sources that there is a 99% probability that Clinton’s server had been hacked by at least five different foreign intelligence agencies, with information having been taken from it.

Most disturbing of all is the news that there may be evidence on Abedin’s laptop, along with evidence from the laptops of top Clinton aides Cherryl Mills and Heather Samuelson, of a vast “pay-to-play” influence-peddling operation at the Clinton Foundation. I wrote about how this operation worked in my earlier post on all this. In my previous essay I posted a compendium of videos discussing how the Clintons went from “dead broke” at the end of the Bill Clinton administration to multi-millionaires now. I post it again below. There are at least nine separate videos (the number I counted before I decided to move on), one after the other in the offering below, so allow for the brief interruption between them before moving on.

Fox News Special Report conversation about a corrupt Clinton foundation and why Hillary Clinton had a private email server for State Department business.

Those same Fox News FBI informants told Bret Baier that an indictment of the Clintons would be likely for the public corruption from their pay-for-play operations in the Clinton Foundation. That is, it would be likely were it not for the interference by the Justice Department. Below is a conversation between Brit Hume and Bret Baier about what Baier learned from the FBI informants.

Fox News’ On the Record 11/02/16: Bret Baier Confirms new details in FBI Clinton Foundation investigation.

How the Clinton camp can get all this toothpaste back inside the tube is beyond me. Should Hillary Clinton be elected next week, I would not be surprised if in her very first year she were impeached by the House, and tried and removed from office by the Senate, even if the Democrats were to gain control of the Senate.

Evidence for General Obama Administration Political Corruption

What is truly frightening  is not only the closeness of a liar and corrupt politician to the office of President of the United States, but also the corrupt complicity of our current president. In the videos above you may have recognized testimony to this effect by Fox reporter Catherine Herridge. She began her comments about him in the last video above by noting a change in tenor in how Obama describes FBI Director Comey. Recently his press secretary Josh Earnest said that he would “neither defend nor criticize” Comey for his recent disclosures. Obama himself, however, said this Wednesday, “I do think that there is a norm that when there are investigations, we don’t operate on innuendo and we don’t operate on incomplete information and we don’t operate on leaks. We operate based on concrete decisions that are made.” After making that judgement on Comey, the President went on to exonerate Clinton of any serious, actionable law-breaking. “When this was investigated thoroughly the last time, the conclusion of the FBI, the conclusion of the Justice Department, the conclusion of repeated congressional investigations was that she had made some mistakes but that there wasn’t anything there that was prosecutable.” So says our truth-challenged President.

Herridge went on to reveal President Obama had an alias email identity to communicate by email to Hillary Clinton’s unsecure email server! Remember, this is the same server the FBI is now saying five different foreign intelligence agencies had hacked. She also noted Obama’s blackberry is a secure smart phone in which every email address to which Obama can either send or receive must be pre-approved. Herridge said Abedin was on the record in an FBI interview that every time Clinton changed her email server with a different URL, Abedin would have to inform the White House to continue email communication between the President and Secretary of State. Despite any statements to the contrary, President Obama and his White House team knew all along about Clinton’s private email server. His declaration that he learned about Clinton’s server in the news along with everyone else is just another lie. So if Clinton was legally culpable for putting highly classified material on her server, would Obama not also share in that culpability? That looks like a very big motive for Obama to put his finger on the scales of justice.

In addition, since the President knew about Clinton’s private and unsecure server, was he not curious about why she needed it for U.S. government business? This question then leads to another question about whether or not he knew the Clintons’ use of their foundation for influence peddling. Just how corrupt are the highest levels of our government?

We should not be surprised then if the Department of Justice told the FBI it could not have a grand jury empaneled, and have been discouraging the FBI from continuing a criminal investigation. The Wall Street Journal informed us yesterday “Secret recordings of a suspect talking about the Clinton Foundation fueled an internal battle between FBI agents who wanted to pursue the case and corruption prosecutors who viewed the statements as worthless hearsay, people familiar with the matter said.” The field agents apparently wanted to aggressively pursue an indictment from a federal grand jury, thinking the plausibility of the “hear-say” was enough to seek both an indictment and additional evidence. Comey apparently came down on the side of the field agents, leading to the current furor.

However, even before the current public hostilities between Justice and the FBI, Justice had been telling FBI agents to lay-off the Clinton  foundation, and the FBI agents reacted by ignoring the directives of Justice’s attorneys. The more the FBI agents investigated, the more the Justice attorneys became annoyed. Finally the attorneys confronted the FBI’s number 2 official, Deputy Director Andrew McCabe. The WSJ reports that at one point in the tense discussion of FBI rebellion, Mr. McCabe asked

“Are you telling me that I need to shut down a validly predicated investigation?’’ The senior Justice Department official replied: ”Of course not.”

Justice does not dare forbid the FBI from investigating. The word is out (see here and here): if Justice or the President forbid the FBI from pursuing Clinton Foundation influence-peddling, the administration could probably expect a mass resignation of FBI agents, possibly including James Comey himself. Now, wouldn’t that be a pretty gift for Donald Trump?

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