Trump speaking at 2015 Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC)

Donald Trump’s Uncertain Trumpet

Trump speaking at 2015 Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC)
Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons/Gage Skidmore

Marco Rubio’s call at last night’s Republican debate to fact check the differences between Donald Trump’s current positions and his earlier ones by Google searches was downright heaven inspired! The Donald Trump we are watching and hearing during these debates is a completely different creature from a few years ago. It is almost as if an alien has abducted the real Donald Trump and replaced him with an imposter. Although this imposter looks like the old Donald Trump, the beliefs he currently expresses are completely different from those of the real Donald Trump.

As a public service, I am listing a number of links below to posts that contrast Donald Trump’s old beliefs with what he claims are his new ones. Do some fact-checking of your own!

Trump has been so inconsistent that Ira Kalb, a professor at the the USC Marshall School of Business, has called Trump a “modern Wizard of Oz with little substance behind his self-proclaimed image as a winner. ” Will the real Donald Trump please stand up! It seems as if Trump changes his beliefs and political parties like other people change their clothes.

I have two questions I would like to address to my fellow conservatives who support Donald Trump: How can you trust this man? Should you not fear a big “bait-and-switch” if he is elected President of the United States?

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