Democrats Want to Imprison Scientific Skeptics?
Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI), Junior Senator from Rhode Island
Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons/Kenneth C. Zirkel
Last October, while writing about progressives’ views concerning conservatives, I noted how Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) wanted to criminalize scientific dissent from the prevalent Leftist beliefs about Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW). You can find my dissenting beliefs about AGW in my Global Warming theme. Â
At the time I wanted to illustrate progressives’ autocratic evolution making them increasingly intolerant with any view dissenting from theirs. As with many Leftists, Sen. Whitehouse believes any true scientific questions about AGW have been settled, and all true scientists believe man is the primary cause for global warming by emitting CO2. Therefore, by his lights any scientist who does not agree must be in the pay of oil companies, or coal companies, or some other company that is a big CO2 emitter or enables others to emit the gas. Posting on the Washington Post’s Opinions blog, Sen. Whitehouse declared Dr. Willie Soon, an astrophysicist at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, probably should be tried under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) for expressing his dissenting opinions about AGW. Soon is in excellent company with many other eminent scientists. My very first post on global warming, The Great Global Warming Scam, had as its primary purpose to demonstrate the science about global warming is definitely NOT settled. I accomplished this by compiling a very long list of eminent scientists who do not believe man is the primary cause of periods of global  warming. Whenever possible I made their names in the list links to their curricula vitae and I included links to institutions with which they are associated. You can decide for yourself just how believable in their dissent they might be.
Nevertheless, Sen. Whitehouse apparently believes that any dissenting scientist has given prima facie evidence of criminal fraud. Today on the Wall Street Journal  editorial page there was a post, Plenty of Political Climate Change, indicating the Justice Department may be moving forward toward a possible criminal indictment. Apparently, last week Attorney General Lynch, testifying before a Senate committee, said the Justice Department had referred a request to prosecute climate dissent to the FBI’s criminal investigative division. It appears AG Lynch is taking Sen. Whitehouse’s suggestion very seriously. If she succeeds in obtaining indictments, then every other scientist on my list can consider themselves vulnerable to the same treatment. What better way to stifle dissent than to send the dissenters to prison?
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