Civil Disobedience (Continued)

It seems like Charles Murray’s call for conservative civil disobedience is garnering more interest. An interview of Murray by a somewhat skeptical Conor Friedersdorf of The Atlantic magazine has just been published, where Murray says substantially the same things he suggested to Michael Barone. In the words of Friedersdorf,

He [Murray] is advocating for massive civil disobedience of a particular kind, wherein Americans willfully ignore the most absurd, unfair rules and penalties imposed by independent regulatory agencies, meanwhile paying into a legal defense fund that covers costs for whoever bears the brunt of the government’s always-selective enforcement efforts.

The idea is that if government authorities at all levels of government get hit with increasing numbers of offenses to inane, stupid government regulations and laws, then both the expense of the lawsuits and the disapproval of the electorate will drive governments to eliminate said tyrannical regulations and laws. I think I would be willing to contribute to a legal defense fund for those brave individuals who would dare to confront an arbitrary, tyrannical, and ever more onerous government. It would be the ultimate in “David versus Goliath” conflicts. How about you?

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Charles Thorington

A question for my Disqus Friends: What do you think about conservatives using the tactic of civil disobedience?

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