What Can the Democrats Do About Joe Biden?

President Joe Biden has become a major liability for the Democratic Party. Or rather, since it seems probable that Biden is merely a manipulated puppet, perhaps other members of his administration should bear the responsibility for the Democrats’ many political problems. How should the Democratic Party respond to avoid a political disaster in the 2022 midterm elections?

The Many Catastrophes of the Biden Administration

Biden has been captured by the far-left progressive wing of the Democratic Party. The consequence has been that Biden has been persuaded (guided?) to adopt many policies catastrophic to the United States. The resulting decline in his approval ratings has put his party in political peril for the coming midterm elections. In only about seven months, the Democratic Party could lose control of the entire Congress, as well as control of many state and local governments. Some of the many catastrophes of the Biden Administration are listed below.

1. Destructive Economic Policies

Some of our economic problems are not entirely due to the Biden administration. At least some have been generated by the covid pandemic, and some others by Russia’s war with Ukraine. However, all of our economic problems are either exacerbated or caused by Biden’s policies. Even those difficulties with foreign causes have been made much worse with progressive economic regulations. These have made it impossible for the U.S. to substitute domestic production for lost foreign supply. Biden has sabotaged increased private corporate production with his regulations and policies. The Biden destruction of our economy was covered in my post, Biden’s Administration Should Take a Course in Economics 101.

2. Destructive Foreign Policies

The first inkling most Americans had that Joe Biden’s foreign policies were disastrous was his wrong-headed withdrawal from Afghanistan. This was followed by his dithering on the supply of weapons to Ukraine in response to Russia’s invasion. Now, that Ukraine has fought Russia to a standstill, Biden still balks at delivering heavier Soviet-era weapons, such as MIG-29 jet fighters and S-300 surface-to-air missles. Then again, Biden fears to antagonize Putin too much, as he needs Russia’s aid with Iran.

For, in the middle of Russia’s Ukraine war, Biden became dependent on Russia to negotiate with Iran on a new nuclear weapons agreement. Iran refuses to negotiate with the U.S. directly. Yet the advisability of such an agreement depends on two unlikely assumptions. The first is that Russia will negotiate in good faith for the United States. What’s the likelihood of that, given U.S. accusations that Putin is a war criminal?

The second improbable assumption is that Iran actually would be willing to do without nuclear weapons. Yet, all of Iran’s incentives drive it toward nuclear weapons. More than that, German intelligence produced evidence that Iran cheated on the first Iran nuclear agreement, the JCPOA.

Following Robert Gates, defense secretary under Obama, many have noted that Biden has “been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.” This is not a trait that will endear him to the electorate.

3. Open Borders

President Biden and the Democratic Party continue to support completely open borders for illegal immigrants. In furtherance of illegal immigration, Biden has decided to rescind Title 42, a Trump-era executive order. This was a health order to ensure illegal immigrants would not bring cases of COVID-19 into the country with them. Under this order, anyone who crossed the border without authorization could be rapidly deported.

The Department of Homeland Security estimates as many as 18,000 illegal immigrants will cross the border every day with the expiration of Title 42. At that rate, 4,410,000 illegal immigrants will enter the country between May and December 2022. Between May 2022 and February 2024 (the end of Biden’s first term), there would be 18,612,000 illegal immigrants. Counting an additional 1.7 million illegal immigrants from 2021, that would amount to approximately 20.312 million illegal immigrants during Biden’s first term, or approximately 6.08 % of the current U.S. population.

The implications of such a large flow of illegals (any number of which could be foreign terrorists, or carrying COVID-19) are so frightening that many Democratic legislators are joining Republicans to demand that Title 42 should remain in place. Yet once more, Biden is alienating many Americans from his administration.

4. Biden’s Climate Control Plan

Another alienating Biden policy is his version of the Green New Deal, his Climate Control Plan. So far, he has had little to no luck in getting parts of it enacted. Nevertheless, both its expense and the low priority most people give it do not make the administration more popular. Its general idiocy is discussed in the post The Idiocy of Joe Biden’s Climate Plan.

5. The Culture Wars

Finally, there is Biden’s participation in the Culture Wars. From progressive assertions that the United States is a fundamentally racist country; to the championing of Critical Race Theory; to efforts to defund the police; to leftist demands schools should “educate” pre-puberty children about their possible sexual orientations; and finally to leftist efforts to expel from society anyone who does not share their beliefs; the progressive Left has been extraordinarily successful in alienating most of American society.

Is Biden Merely a Puppet?

Yet, Biden might not be the primary author of all his destructive policies. In fact, he often does not seem able to express a coherent train of thought. Consider the evidence of the video below. It is a montage of moments showing a very confused Joe Biden, courtesy of Sky News, Australia.

Sky News, Australiia

Below is another set of such moments, courtesy of Sky News, Australia.

Sky News, Australia

More evidence that Biden is a mere puppet in his own White House was provided by a recent White House reception for ex-president Barack Obama. Absolutely everyone in the reception completely ignored Biden, indicating they considered him to be a cipher, not worthy of attention.

The Telegraph, United Kingdom

Given all this evidence, how can Biden be in actual control of his own administration? He lacks both the capability and the respect of his own party. Who then is in charge? We can only guess, but the most probable answer is the leftist members of his cabinet. Other influencers in 2021 might have included Sen. Bernie Sanders and the squad of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Given the bad reaction of the American public to their socialist agenda, Biden’s cabinet team may be backpedaling from them.

If Biden is such a political nonentity in his own administration and has alienated such a large number of Americans, what can the Democratic Party do about him?

What Can the Democratic Party Do?

Joe Biden is a great and growing liability for his own party. It may be true Biden reflects the opinions of many in his party, particularly those on the progressive left. Nevertheless, the general unpopularity of his leftist policies makes Biden a highly visible lightning rod for popular anger. The Democratic Party would find it advantageous to somehow get rid of him.

Nevertheless, getting rid of Biden — say, through the use of the 25th amendment to the U.S. Constitution — would be extraordinarily bad optics. How could Democratic politicians do that without condemning their own actions and policy positions? At least in the short term, they would be very unlikely to throw Joe out of office.

Also, removing Joe from office would be only cosmetic. Since he is almost certainly a mere figurehead, a manipulated puppet, to do anything substantive would require the removal of all his puppeteers. They are the ones actually determining his disastrous policies. Since removing Biden would be only cosmetic, it would also be temporary in any good effects on political approval. As soon as the public caught onto the fact that nothing real had been changed, the Democrats would yet again face political catastrophe.

It is probably too late for Democrats to backpedal enough to avoid disaster in this year’s midterm elections. That assumes, of course, the party would even be willing to abandon the policies they love so much, yet have been the causes of so much disaster for the U.S.

However, suppose the coming midterm elections are as great a cataclysm for the Democrats as they now appear. If more moderate Democrats are then successful in reseizing their party, they could repudiate the far-left policies adopted under Biden. At that point, they might find some way to remove Biden.

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