France in Distress

My sister-in-law has just sent us the URL of a truly amazing news video about France and the economic and social troubles it is undergoing.  Click here to see it. It was produced by an organization called the Christian Broadcasting Network, which appears to be an internet-oriented Christian organization out to explain the world according to their beliefs. They have very professional production values, and as far as I can tell, what they present in the video is absolutely factual. It appears to have been produced around 2012 (there was no actual date-time stamp on it), so it is several years old. Nevertheless, if it were updated, it would probably reflect even more badly on France. After watching the video, you may want to check out my posts Keynes Loses Big?, The Lessons of Europe and Wishful Thinking, and Echoes of the Great Depression: Europe.

Many thanks to my sister-in-law for ferreting this out!

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I sent this video to a US friend, that lives part time in France, to see IF she agreed with it. Below is her response. “Sadly, I do. The problem is not only massive red tape, some of which borders on stupid; but the mandated benefits that an employee must receive. So many business people run owner shops because you simply cannot ‘fire’ a bum worker. When I ran my office I had 3 young people working part-time. They raised the wage minimum and I let go all three. It doesn’t seem like “that much” right now, but it increased… Read more »

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