Another Housekeeping Note!
Housekeeping      Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons/Quadell
Well, I just had another good idea for making this website more useful – or at least I hope it is! Statistics on many things, especially economic phenomena, can have a big impact on our lives, whether we know the statistics or not. Acting on the presumption that knowledge is better than ignorance, I decided to develop a set of pages to act as a resource for these statistics. This is and will be for some time a work in progress with more statistics followed as they prove useful.
If you look to the top of the webpage, you will find yet another main menu item added, one for “Statistics”. If you click on it and go to the Statistics page, you will find another set of links to pages with different and hopefully useful and interesting statistics touching on various topics. So far, I only have two such pages available, one on leading economic indicators and one on solar activity. With the data on solar activity I am going to keep track of how active the Sun is to try to correlate solar activity (or lack of it) with global cooling. As presented in the global warming model described in the Global Warming post theme, if the Sun’s activity continues to decline, we would expect the Earth to continue to cool. Every day I will display the current sunspot number and data giving the intensity of the solar wind.
If you should have some ideas about additional statistics to track, do not hesitate to use the Feedback button on the right side of the webpage to let me know!
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