Does Kamala Harris Have Any Better Understanding of Reality Than Donald Trump?

There are opinions, and then there are empirical facts. Our opinions are formed by interpreting available empirical facts, but those opinions can easily deceive us if we are not careful. … Read More

The Lies Progressive Democrats Are Telling Us

The political Left in general, and American progressive Democrats in particular, have a different sense of reality from most people. Many Democrats might actually believe the falsehoods they utter. For … Read More

A Comparison of Policy Results between Biden and Trump

President Biden is often angry these days. He must be increasingly desperate as his policies fail and his poll numbers sink. Nevertheless, no matter how low his approval ratings, Ex-President … Read More

Whatever Happened to the Rules-Based World Order?

During the twentieth century, World War II was one of those historical events —- like the Black Plague in the Middle Ages — that seemed to come close to destroying … Read More

What Will the Democratic Party Destroy First: Themselves or the United States? (Part 2)

In my last post, I discussed how Democratic Party policies were destroying the United States. In this post, I want to concentrate on how these polices are alienating the American … Read More

What Will the Democratic Party Destroy First: Themselves or the United States? (Part 1)

The images above of a confused President Biden are emblematic of today’s progressive Democratic Party. It is a very confused party. Other authors have noted that its primary ideology, Critical … Read More

Hostility of Western Elites To Western Civilization

The institutions and traditions of Western civilization are almost entirely the products of the Age of Enlightenment (AKA the Enlightenment, the Modern Age, or the Age of Reason). For the … Read More

Romanticism and the Secular Religion of Progressive Democrats

The portrait above is of the famous eighteenth-century social contract philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau. His romanticism seems to motivate much of the secular “woke” religion of present day progressive Democrats. Thinking … Read More

Will Elites Impose Neo-Feudalism on Their Peoples?

The elites of the United States have gone rogue. As with the elites of the rest of the West, America’s elites seek to impose a kind of neo-feudalism on its … Read More

Crony Capitalism vs. Free-Market Capitalism

Many people, especially progressive Democrats, confuse crony capitalism with free-market capitalism. This confusion is part of the religious faith of the woke. Capitalist corporate officers are viewed as among the … Read More

The Democrats’ War on Economic Abundance

Ever since the Great Depression of the 1930s, Democrats have been disparaging government support for the supply side of the economy. The supply side is that part of the economy … Read More

The Secular Religion of the “Woke” and Its Inquisition against Right-Wing Heresy

Material added on February 23, 2023 In 1633, the Italian astronomer and physicist Galileo Galilei was brought to trial for heresy before the Holy Office of the Inquisition. Galileo’s crime … Read More

How To Filter The Truth From Progressive Gaslighting

Recently, I wrote about how progressive Democrats were pervasively gaslighting the American people. By gaslighting, I mean the manipulation of people by psychological means into questioning their own sanity. Since … Read More

How to Fix What the Democrats Have Broken

After almost two years of controlling the executive branch and both houses of Congress, the Democrats’ have broken American society. Through their war on fossil fuels, their culture wars, their … Read More

Progressive Democrats Are Gaslighting the American People

Definition of Gaslighting: The manipulation of someone by psychological means into questioning their own sanity. For an extended period of time, the Democratic Party has been gaslighting the American people. … Read More

What Can We Believe in the Debate on Inflation?

An ordinary citizen can hardly be blamed if he or she is confused about what is causing inflation. Democrats have pointed to many other villains other than themselves for the … Read More

How Much Destruction Will the Democratic Party Suffer in 2022?

To the astonishment of many, not only have Democrats adopted policies that have alienated much of the U.S. electorate, but they keep doubling down on their destructive policies. Not only … Read More

The Progressive War Against U.S. Constitutional Government

Six years ago, I wrote a post asserting that progressives are NOT liberals. Before that, I wrote an essay entitled Progressives’ Disrespect for the U.S. Constitution. Today, with the executive … Read More

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